1939年福井県生まれ。福井大学工学部卒業。ポーラ化粧品本舗退社後、フリーランスに。1971-96年、東京綜合写真専門学校教職。2000-13年、大阪芸術大学教授、現在非常勤講師。各種審査委員をつとめる。1975年から40年間、撮影しつづけた被爆地ヒロシマのほか、高度経済成長やバブル経済、祭礼や土俗文化などのテーマによって、変貌する日本の姿を表現してきた。代表作に「自閉空間」(’71 太陽賞)「ヒロシマ1945-1978」(’78 伊奈信男賞)「ヒロシマ」(’84 日本写真家協会賞)「土田ヒロミのニッポン」(’08 土門拳賞)。その他、写真集に『俗神』(’76)『砂を数える』(’90)『BERLIN』(’11)『フクシマ 2011-2017』(’18)など。作品は東京都写真美術館、東京国立近代美術館、ニューヨーク近代美術館、ポンピドゥー・センター、カナダ国立美術館、テート・モダン等、各地の美術館にコレクションされている。
Tsuchida Hiromi was born in 1939 in Fukui Prefecture. After graduating from the School of Engineering at the University of Fukui, he worked for POLA Cosmetics, Inc., then resigned to go freelance. He taught from 1971 to 1996 at the Tokyo College of Photography and from 2000 to 2013 at the Osaka University of Arts, where he continues to teach as a part-time lecturer. He also serves on several exhibition and award selection committees. His photographic work addresses the transformations undergone by Japan in series about Hiroshima, which he has photographed for four decades since 1975, the economic boom and bubble eras, and local festivals and customs. His award-winning books include Autistic Space (1971 Taiyo Award), Hiroshima 1945-1978 (1978 Ina Nobuo Award), Hiroshima (1984 Photographic Society of Japan Award), and Tsuchida Hiromi’s Nippon (2008 Domon Ken Award). Major publications include Zokushin: Gods of the Earth (1976), Counting Grains of Sand (1990), and Berlin (2011). His works are found in the collections of museums worldwide, among them the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, Pompidou Centre, the National Gallery of Canada, and the Tate Modern.
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つちだ・ひろみ(Tsuchida, Hiromi)